DNA Skin Health DNA Test
Your skin’s appearance is influenced by your diet, the environment, and your genes. Take this test so you can personalize your skincare routine to your genetic makeup.
Optimizing your skin care
Everyone has unique skin, which means we should all have unique skin care routines. Your genes influence your skin health and appearance. Understand your genes, so you can choose the perfect skin care routine right for you.
- Online Results: Receive confidential results through a secure online portal, ensuring your privacy and peace of mind at every step.
- Painless Sampling: Collect your DNA samples with easy-to-use mouth swabs – no blood or needles required.
How it works
Collect DNA Samples
Mail samples to the lab
Receive your results
What is included in this skin health test?
Signs of aging:
Skin changes are the most obvious sign of a person’s age. The first noticeable signs are fine lines and wrinkles. As we age, our skin loses its radiance and becomes more sensitive to sunlight. This is characterized by dull skin, increased dryness and the appearance of age spots. Later in life, as it loses its volume and elasticity skin can become saggy, while the eye area tends to become puffy. External factors contribute towards skin aging, including sun exposure, pollution, smoking, and poor nutrition. However, some of the causes of aging skin are inevitable. Harmful molecules such as AGEs and free radicals tend to accumulate, and our tissue synthesis slows down. Multiple genetic variants influence the internal factors that contribute towards skin aging.
Likelihood of skin disorders:
Skin disorders are common around the world. Some like eczema only cause temporary symptoms. It is common in babies and young children, but many grow out of the condition as they mature. Rosacea and psoriasis are examples of skin disorders that cause permanent lifelong symptoms. Both are characterized by flare ups interspersed with periods of healthy skin. Skin disorders can be triggered by exposure to particular foods or other environmental factors. However, there is also a genetic component to several skin disorders.
Skin Texture and appearance:
Some skin characteristics do not have any underlying health implications, but still affect the texture and appearance of skin. Cellulite, stretch marks and varicose veins are skin changes that affect women all over the world, but are less common in males. This is partly due to the physiological differences between males and females, particularly in fat distribution and hormonal differences. Known lifestyle factors contribute to these skin changes, including rapid weight changes, obesity and lack of exercise. Genetic variation also contributes towards the likelihood of these changes in skin texture and appearance.
Sun Sensitivity:
Genetic variation plays a big role in how likely an individual is to developing freckles, tanning, or getting sunburnt after only a short period in the sun. These variants influence the skin pigmentation and melanin pathways that determine skin, hair and eye color. Lighter coloring variants are more common in people of Caucasian ancestry and are associated with reduced melanin production, leading to a lower tanning ability, an increased likelihood of freckles, and an increased risk of sunburn. Excess sun exposure in individuals with these variants can also increase the risk of other complications (e.g. melanoma), as the skin has a decreased ability to protect itself from harmful UV rays.
Understanding Your Results
Frequently Asked Questions
Once your sample is received by our laboratory, processing usually takes 6-8 weeks. You will receive an email notification when your results are ready, and you can access your detailed report through a secure online portal.
We take data privacy seriously. Your results are confidential and only shared with you. We do not share your results with insurance companies, employers, or any other third parties.