
Discover why our clients choose DNA Tests Direct for their DNA testing needs.

At DNA Tests Direct, we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality DNA testing services that make a difference in people’s lives. Don’t just take our word for it—read the testimonials from our satisfied customers who have experienced the accuracy, reliability, and exceptional service we provide.

”I had been searching for my biological father for years, and I finally found him through a private investigator. We wanted to be 100% sure of our relationship before reuniting, so we decided to get a paternity test through DNA Tests Direct. The results came back quickly and confirmed that he is indeed my father. I'm so happy to have finally found him, and I'm grateful to DNA Tests Direct for helping us get the answers we needed.”
Jordan T.
New York, NY
”My partner and I recently used DNA Tests Direct to confirm the paternity of our newborn son. We were nervous about the process, but the staff at DNA Tests Direct put us at ease right away. They explained everything clearly and answered all of our questions. The test itself was simple and painless, and the results came back quickly.”
Kelsey M.
St. Petersburg, FL
”Thank you for such a quick result! I called and talked to an agent after downloading my report, and she explained it to me wonderfully. Thank you for your diligent customer service!”
Manchester, NH
“I was raised by my grandparents, but I always wondered if they were my biological grandparents. This test confirmed it, and it feels so good to have that confirmation.”
K. R.
Phoenix, AZ
“I recently had a sibling DNA test done through DNA Tests Direct with my half-sister. We had always suspected that we shared the same father, but we wanted to be sure. The test was easy to do at home, and the results came back in just a few weeks. We were thrilled to learn that we are indeed half-sisters”
Liz B.
New York, NY
“Thank you so much! I got a bit worried after I placed my order but you did exactly what you said you would as quickly as can be expected. I really appreciate your professional work and i want to leave you a good review. Take care and thank you again.“
Alberto J. G.
Detroit, MI
“Been wondering about my dad my whole life, so I finally decided to get a paternity test. DNA Family Check was the obvious choice, and they didn't disappoint. The whole thing was pretty simple, and the results were exactly what I was hoping for. It's brought me some much-needed closure“
Michael M,.
Pasadena CA
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